Wednesday, 22.01.2025 - Week: (E)ven
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According to the Statute of the University, Dean directs the Faculty as an individual body, elected for 4-year term by the Faculty Council of Electors. Dean is the superior of all staff, postgraduates and students of the Faculty. Dean's immediate superior is the Rector of the University.

 See the current Authorities of the Faculty.

Collective body of the faculty is the Faculty Council, which includes: the Dean and Vice-Deans, all academic staff with the professor title or a D.Sc. degree, the elected representatives of the other teachers, elected representatives of the employees of the non-academic staff and elected representatives of students and PhD students of the Faculty. The main task of the Faculty Council is the establishing of the general directions of the Faculty activities and the supervision of its activities.

 See the current structure of the Faculty Council.

The Programming Council of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Silesian University of Technology is a social, collegial, advisory body supporting activities of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering. Council resolutions taken in matters within its competence are opinion-forming to the Dean and the Faculty Council. Council members are appointed and dismissed by the Dean for the term of the Faculty authorities.

 See the current structure of the Programming Council.

Teaching and research activities, within the framework of a scientific discipline practiced at the Faculty is conducted in the internal units: institutes and departments, and within the institutes in the divisions.

Currently, the Faculty includes 6 basic organizational units:

  1. Department of Power Systems and Control
  2. Department of Measurement Science, Electronics and Control
  3. Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
  4. Department of Optoelectronics
  5. Department of Power Electronics, Electrical Drives and Robotics
  6. Department of Mechatronics