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Scientific Papers of Silesian University of Technology

„Dokumentowanie i upowszechnianie dorobku naukowego – digitalizacja wydawnictw”
„Wzmocnienie rangi czasopisma „Elektryka” – wersja angielskojęzyczna”
„Wzmocnienie rangi czasopisma „Elektryka” – zagraniczni członkowie Rady Naukowej”
„Wzmacnianie rangi czasopisma „Elektryka” – recenzenci zagraniczni”
finansowane w ramach umowy 586/P-DUN/2016 ze środków Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego przeznaczonych na działalność upowszechniającą naukę.

Quarterly "ELEKTRYKA"
Silesian University of Technology Publishing

ISSN 1897-8827


Section Editor
  • Professor Marian Pasko, PhD., DSc. (EEng.)
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • +48 32 237 1229
Silesian University of Technology
Institute of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Akademicka 10
44-100 Gliwice
Scientific Committee and Editorial Board
Guidelines for authors

Authors and Reviewers are asked to fill and send to the editor appropriate forms:


The review articles in Quarterly "ELEKTRYKA"

Scientific Papers of Silesian University of Technology „ELEKTRYKA” is published quarterly since 1955 (since 2007 as a quarterly "ELEKTRYKA"). The Quarterly published articles are problematic, monographic and original scientific papers.

Each text emailed to the editor of the „ELEKTRYKA” is reviewed in accordance with the double-blind review process, ie. Author(s) and reviewers do not know their identities. Articles prequalified by the editors of print are then subjected to an external review based on the form. In assessing the text takes into account such criteria as: that the nature of scientific work profile magazines, originality of the presented results, the representativeness of the enclosed literature, the correctness of the language and terminology. According to the review process, expected time for a decision on the publication of at least 4 months. A printed version of the Quarterly „ELEKTRYKA” is its original version.

Overview of archival papers