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Scientists from Italian Institute of Metrology (INRIM, Turin) and Silesian University of Technology (SUT, Gliwice, Poland) successfully implemented the high-stability digitally synthesized source in the two-terminal pair fully digital impedance bridge, developed at INRIM. The new source speeds up the process of the balancing the bridge. The DSP algorithm, implemented in the source minimizes the error, caused by limited resolution of the digital-to-analog converters reconstructing the sinusoidal signals. The low levels of close-to-fundamental harmonics of the synthesized voltage as well as high stability of the magnitude ratio and phase allows for precise comparisons of impedance standards. The source was developed by Marian Kampik (SUT) within an individual Research Exellence Grant, realized within European project „AIM QuTE: Automated Impedance Metrology extending the Quantum Toolbox for Electricity”, granted by European Metrology Research Programme (EMRP).

View of the setup of the INRIM two-terminal pair fully digital impedance bridg with the source of digitally synthesized sinusoidal voltage, developed by Marian Kampik from Silesian University of Technology
  1. Callegaro L., D'Elia V., Kampik M., Dan Bee Kim, Ortolano M., Pourdanesh F., Ngoc Thanh Mai Tran, „Experiences with a two terminal-pair digital impedance bridge”, IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., vol. 64, No. 6, June 2015, p. 1460 - 1465.
  2. Callegaro L., D'Elia V., Kampik M., Dan Bee Kim, Ortolano M., Pourdanesh F., Ngoc Thanh Mai Tran, „Experiences with a two terminal-pair digital impedance bridge”, Proc. of Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements (CPEM 2014), Rio de Janeiro, 2014, p. 222 – 223.
  3. Callegaro L., D'Elia V., Pourdanesh F., Ortolano M., Kim D. B., Kampik M., "Ponti digitali automatici per la metrologia di impedenza", Atti del XXXI Congresso Nazionale dell’AssociazioneGruppo Misure Elettriche ed Elettroniche, Ancona, 11-13 settembre 2014.